Thursday, May 31, 2012


To everyone that visits the site: I have not abandoned it! lol ww
I have been tied up with many things and have not been able to bring you any news :( so sad!
It is my plan to continue wiith the blog and try to be consistent with my postings. It should be easier now that I have a Smartphone! yay!
I truly apologize for the delays.
Your perusal means a lot to me and I hope you continue to visit the site. :)

p.s. I can't believe that the site has had over 1,000 views and is actually now past the 1500 mark! Thank you everyone!!!(^ω^)
p.s.s. If you are tired of constanly checking for updates (I don't blame you) please think about subscribing so that you can receive notices when new entries are posted! It is very convenient!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Level 27!

(≥∇≤)ノ Tanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Happy birthday, Shokotan!
I hope she had a great birthday concert. It  looked amazing.